2ND OCT 2019
SESSION 2- Need to promote the Gandhian Philosophy of Truth and Non-violence to establish a peace-loving holistic global society.
Inaugural | Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Valedictory
Dr. Sohan Raj Tater
Former Vice-Chancellor
Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Rajasthan
Major Achievements and Awards :
Sohan Dr. Raj Tater is Nominated for Padmashri award 2020 in Literature and Education by Rajasthan Government
He was honored as many as four times by the Government of Rajasthan.
For bringing water from Mathania to Jodhpur within 90 days in the year 1970.
For bringing the canal water to Bikaner in the year 1976.
For implementing Asia's biggest regional water supply project for 300 villages in Churu district in the year 1984 and
For working very promptly for the prevention of flood in Balotra in the year 1990.
Nominated as a member, Terapanth Amrit Sansad, Churu region (from 1982 to 1987).
Awarded Yuvak Ratna in Delhi in the year 1987, by all India Yuvak Parishad in the holy presence of Acharya Shri Tulsi.
Nominated Vice President, All India Yuvak Parishad (from 1988 to 1990)
Nominated Member, Executive Council, Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun from 1985 to 1990
Google & YouTube declared Prof. Tater's profile as PUBLIC PROFILE & Central Govt. approved NGO launched "DrSohanRajTater" naming MOBILE APP covering his whole life Contribution to the society (Heritage)- 1500 Pravachans, 228 Research books World Record Entry, Knowledge Museum containing total 10000 documents on Google.
Prof. Omid Wali
Assistant Professor, Dept. of English
Nangarhar University, Afghanistan
Major Achievements and Awards :
Prof Omid Wali is a professor of English at the Nangarhar University in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Prof Wali is intimately aware of the dangers of violence and how curtailed knowledge can adversely affect the growth of a people and a nation.
Ph.D. Candidate (ELT) Aligarh Muslim University
Fulbright Alumni, University of Georgia, USA
Rotary Peace Alumni, Chulalongkorn University
Regional Coordinator AUSEP Alumni
M.A. English (ELT Specialization)
M.A. Policy and Public Administration
P.G. Dip. Academic English Writing
Prof. Ambika Datta Sharma
Prof. of philosophy
Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar (MP)
Major Achievements and Awards :
Dr Ambika Datta Sharma is at present Professor of Philosophy in the Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar (MP). The major publications of Professor Sharma include Bauddha Pramana Darshana, Bharatiya Darshana mein Prapyakaritvavada, Nyaya Darshana, Vedanta Darshana ke Ayam, In Defence of Metaphysics and Bharatiyata ke Samasik Arth Sandarbha.
Apart from above he has edited four major volumes entitled Samekita Darshanika Vimarsha, Samekita Advaita Vimarsha, Bharatiya Darshana ke 50 Varsha and Samekita Pashchatya Darshana Samiksha under Svatantrayottara Darshanika Prakarana series.
He is the recipient of UGC research award (2006) and Naresh Mehta Smriti Vangmaya Samman (2007) for his valuable contributions to Philosophy, Culture and Civilization
He is also the editor of Unmilan and General Secretary, All India Philosophy Association
T.S Devadoss
Former Director
Dr. Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras
Major Achievements and Awards :
Prof. T. S. DEVADOSS, is one of the most accomplished scholars in Gandhian Philosophy
He did research for Ph.D degree in Gandhian Philosophy and was awarded Ph.D degree in 1969 which was the Gandhi Centenary year.
Prof. Devadoss was a Member of the Governing Council of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR, New Delhi).
He was awarded ICPR Emeritus Fellowship and was also UGC Emeritus Fellow.
He was the Section President of Indian Philosophical Congress.
Prof. Devadoss is the author of several scholarly works which include: Sarvodaya, Hindu Family and Marriage and Mahatma Gandhi
Prof. Devadoss was invited as Visiting Professor at the University of Sasketchavan, Sasketoon, Canada, Brock University, Canada, Birmingham University and Bradford University, UK
During the Post Centenary Silver Jubilee of Gandhiji, Prof. Devadoss was invited to deliver lectures on Gandhian thought in several Universities in USA, Canada and UK.
Prof. Devadoss had visited St Bonaventure University Buffalo, US, Mac Master University, Miami University, Oxford, Oho, University of Toledo, Catholic University, Washington DC, North and South Carolina, South Universities, US, Rochester University, US, where he gave lectures on Gandhian thought and Peace studies in commemoration of Gandhiji’s 125th year Birth anniversary. He delivered special lectures on Sarvepalli Radhakrishna organized by Max Muellar Bhavan, Chennai. His field of specialization is Gandhian thought, Peace studies and Social Philosophy.
Prof. Devadoss participated in the World Philosophers’ Meet 1998 – Second Parliament of Science and Philosophy held at Geneva, Switzerland in August 1998 and presented a paper on “Science, Religion and Ethics in the 21st Century”.
Prof. Devadoss, an ardent follower of Gandhian tradition and legacy holds firmly the view that “flowers of harmony will not bloom in the land, unless the sower sows thoughts of peace; living memories, desires of peace, the outpourings of human heart that are unmistakably in the interest of peace”.
It is with dedication to promote Gandhian studies and way of life that promptsProf. Devadoss to make a ferment appeal to human kind with these words: “O Mahatma, thy country hath the need of thee”.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra
Malaviya Center of Peace Research
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Major Achievements and Awards :
Availed an International Fellowship of Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway to undertake advance course in Peace Research in 2012
UPSAM Fellowship for University for Peace, Costa
Major Publication
2013. 'Environmental Security and Peace Building: A Plea for a Theoretical Construct' Peaceworks: An Interdisciplinary Journal 3(1)
2009-10 "Disaster Risk Reduction: The Hyogo Framework for Action, in Journal of Conflict Management and Development, Vol. III, No. 3, 2010, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, BHU.
Developed two Curricula under UPSAM Program in the UN Mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica in 2008-09.