4TH OCT 2018
Inaugural | Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 10
Need to establish the concept of “world government – world as one family -
Vasudhaivakutumbakam” under one universal anthem – Pasaydan of philosopher saint Shri Dnyaneshwara for the wellbeing of mankind
Shri Avinash Dharmadhikari
He starts by thanking Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad profusely. Then he reminds us that the Buddha said that pain and grief are integral to living and being. Then he spoke of Sant Dnyaneshwara and the Pasayadan he has written with its implications to this session and he believes it to be a World Anthem. He stressed on global brotherhood and spoke of the inherent bond of unity that exists between all creatures. Thus we can understand that all religions are just different paths to reach God, whichever its name of composition. The job before us is to fund that oneness and unity. Here the Indian nation and all its wise people are to thank since the philosophy of India has always been that ‘The world is one’. Then he stated Swami Vivekananda’s visit and speech to the World Religious Council in Chicago. He then elaborated on his thought of having one citizenship of the whole world. This is because the path is already started with the UN and the International Court of Justice.
Ms Navjot Kaur
She spoke eloquently in defence of our strength in diversity by making us understand that every other parameter is simply that, a parameter. It cannot take us away from the reality of the situation which is us aiding each other irrespective of colour, caste, creed or nationality.
Ms Mahika Karkhanas
Ms Mahika spoke about ‘Mauli’ which means mother which is how Sant Dynaneshwara is fondly called since he cared for all creatures. He was the firm to understand we are all one and thus can not only coexist but rather prosper together. The term Global citizen has come up these days, and it is time for its rigorous application in our personal and professional lives.
Mr Subhash Khemi
Subhash Khemi stated the deeper meanings of Vasudhev Kutumbhakam by elaborating on a few couplets of Sant Dynaneshwara. He also emphasized that peace on earth does not mean an end to the conflict, rather it means the resolution of all future conflicts through peaceful means.
Mr Firaz
Mr Firaz comes from Syria and so had a very poignant take on the Session. He said that while we all love the sky, love to breathe air and drink clean water and bask in the sun, these very things are denied to a lot of people. He said they are denied because of war, factionalism and the machinations of other larger interests. People look for Food, clothing, shelter and peace in that order without which their lives are not only incomplete but in danger as well. He said that just as after a rock is thrown in a pool of water the water makes waves to escape it, similarly people in war-torn areas try to escape their own circumstance when war and other calamities strike. He said that members of his own family got asylum in Sweden and Switzerland but could not find sanctuary in their neighbouring countries. Simply stated they required a Visa to get in which brings the entire question of world citizenship in play. True if we become one country then we will have many hardships, but at least we will face them together and find a solution. This is what he hopes for while in India, which he considers as his second family, all 1 billion of us.
Dr Sanjay Upadhye
Smile is the shortest distance between two people. That is how Dr Sanjay started his speech. He said that the train that a person takes to the station of World Peace, must stop first at the Station of a smile. He said that when he started smiling at people during his morning walks they would ask if he knew them, to which he would reply that he does since they are all human. He further stated that the structure erected by Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad is the best manifestation and embodiment of Sant Dynanehswara’s Pasayadan that he has ever seen. He went on to state that Vasudhev Kutumbhkam is best expressed by his story of when he went to Israel with a friend. He was late for a movie so he could not enter the theatre. He turned to his friend and spoke in Marathi to which the guard standing nearby asked him if he was an Indian. When he replied in the affirmative the guard went inside and got his officer out. The officer inquired the same and upon learning that he was indeed Indian he allowed him to sit in the movie theatre. Not only that but when the movie ended he got the movie to play again just for the benefit of Dr Sanjay and his friend. After the screening when Dr Sanjay asked him why he had been so helpful the officer replied because India has been the only country that has never harmed or persecuted the Jews ever. Thus in that was the world is one family was best expressed by this charming speaker.
Mr Joshua Boit
Mr Joshua hails from a poor village in Kenya and unlike the rest of the delegates on this list, he was here to inform people of the dangers of not having peace. He says that Africa is one of the most mineral-rich regions of the world with the Congo River being the world’s largest basin. Yet even now Sudan split into the states of Sudan and South Sudan simply because of religious clashes that escalated and could not be controlled. He said that the politicians in Africa are just out abusing their power and getting into power whatever the cost and collateral damage. Only the rich get to have a good education while the majority live in poverty without even basic amenities. This state of affairs is so bad that a new colonization is occurring in Africa with the Chinese and the Americans buying up the resources they wish to exploit. He says that he has travelled to more than 20 states in India and has witnessed people with diverse religious beliefs and races living in absolute peace with each other. If 1 billion Indians can do it then why not 650 million Africans? He wishes to understand that better. He even pleaded with Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad to set up a university in Kenya to better the lives of the Kenyan people.
Dr S N Pathan
Dr Pathan took to the stage and very warmly congratulated Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad on the magnificent dome that he had erected. Afterwards, he talks in-depth about the sect started by Sant Dynanheshwara 700 years ago. Within the sect, all considerations of caste and religion were kept aside and everyone was welcomed with open arms if they wished to undertake in ‘Bhakti’ which can be translated to devotion to God. They have saints from the scheduled caste, from the backward castes and even from the Islamic community in their fold. This sect became known as the Warkaris, the sect which Prof Dr Vishwanath Karad hails from himself. Dr Pathan then went on to explain that the first Sura if Islam carries the same significant meaning as the Pasayadan itself, giving credence to the theory of Vasudeva Kutumbhkam.
Dr Naghmeh Sabermajidi
Dr Nagmeh is a firm believer in the fact that we must establish one unified government throughout the worlds. She is a believer in Maharishi and states that maharishi says that the world needs to have one consciousness to prosper and that means one united government. Political treaties, nations and guns cannot ever bring about a lasting peace or a united government the world over. For that, the willing participation of the entire people is wanted. She is a passionate believer in the saying of the Maharishi which states that a nation is only as grand as the manifestation of the consciousness of those which consider themselves part of that nation. Thus with the advent of the digital age and with all of us looking forward to being citizens of the world, the time in now to form a national government so as to better harness the potential of all peoples, which nations are incapable of doing. Government is to be like a mirror of all of us faithfully reflecting back what we are and what we are capable of. Everything else is a put up not worthy of being called a government., Saying so she concluded her speech.
Swami Radhikananda Saraswati
The learned Swami came first to inform everyone represent that there are three kinds of families namely the family you are born into, then the family you choose via your region or nation and thirdly the family you make out of necessity. The third category encompasses relationships between an employer and an employee, between civil servants and the bureaucracy, etc. This third kind of family is the most important one to look to since it is in administering this kind of family that we give rise to governances, religions and nations. If we understand it better, then we may be able to realize one solitary world government.